Coming Soon

Title: AKOTO

Release Date: 26th January 2021


A country torn apart – A friendship born in blood…

One of the main overseas functions of the Australian Federal Police is that of security and support to the numerous consulates and embassies they staff across the globe. Royce Mahoney’s first overseas assignment is just that – Head of Security in Accra, Ghana. 

The year is 1979 and the country’s first non-military President is struggling to make ground against the ingrained corrupt systems within his country. Worse still, deposed military leaders, divisive foriegn agencies and wealthy multinationals all threaten, fight and bribe their way into his government, every chance they get. Each clawing for control over the vast natural resources Ghana has on offer and the potential riches they promise. As the economy tanks, the currency evaporates and tensions rise, Bruce DeChambeaux, a son of two countries, is dragged across the continent to assist both. 

Amidst the imminent regime change, one player has firmly established himself above all else, General Ghazi Akoto. Previously the head of the Ghanian Army and still revered by many who still serve, he rallies support and secures new and eager foreign allies. Despite living in forced exile, his network of conspirators set about clearing the way for his return to the palace, with his handpicked loyal cabinet ready and waiting. The least of his concern is a tiny embassy with Union Jack and Southern Cross flying overhead. 

Royce and Bruce only have one job. To protect the embassy and get the staff out of Ghana, fast. Forced to face the horrors unfolding around them, they try to ignore the civil unrest, they avoid getting involved in the local politics or their methods. They resign themselves to the job they have to do, and orders they have to follow.

That is until Ghazi takes an interest in them and goes out of his way to make it personal. 


AKOTO Cover Image – Courtesy of Ronny Beliën